Our Studio



Website Designer | Brand Specialist | Social Media Marketer | Product Photographer

Born and raised in Oakville, ON, Canada. Besides running a creative studio, I’m an extrovert who loves to spend time out on the lake exploring or taking time to spend with friends and family.

My career path has gone in many different directions, but the underlying theme has always been helping people in any way that I can. I brought my love for design and helping people together and built Cove Studio Designs.

I founded and created Cove Studio Designs after completing my Diploma in Special Event Marketing Management at George Brown College. I worked as a social media coordinator, graphic designer, and photographer with other brands and companies within the GTA before starting my own business. After 4 years of working alongside other brands, I opened my doors to create a creative studio.

I take the idea of my clients and make their brands come to life. Whether it’s social media marketing, product photography, web design, or branding, I can help you with anything. I combine my skills to generate high-quality designs to make my clients’ businesses stand out from the crowd and make them timeless.



Ever since I was a child, my family and I would take road trips up north to Muskoka. I’ve been around lakes, beaches, the Canadian Shield, and the nautical life, majority of my life. Taking these road trips, was always the highlight of my childhood and a place that has now become my safe haven. The Muskoka atmosphere is what fuels me, and makes me feel whole and grounded. I wanted my business to represent what makes me feel all those three things and bring in everything that makes me happy and that consistently inspires me.